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Hey, I'm Kim Bradbury =)

I empower women to GLOW

Multiple Business Owner & Mentor
Certified Positive Psychology Coach
Salon Owner - Blo by Blo in Hertfordshire
Founder of The Glow Getter Online Course
Obsessed with helping women find their true Soul's Purpose.

This is my Story...

 After starting my first business at 19, a hair and beauty salon called Blo by Blo, I later went on to open my second salon 3 years later. When we went into a global pandemic in 2020 I was forced to shut them down for over a year. I noticed that so many of us tried new hobbies which brought back joy in such a painful time. It was at this point that I knew I needed to take back control and start an online business to help clients reach their full potential.

Now I’ve turned my knowledge and experience into an easy-to-follow system that anyone can use to unlock their potential and start enjoying life like never before.

My passion is seeing my clients break free from their limitations and step into the person they were always meant to be — confident and free to live the life they’ve always imagined. 

Reach your full potential with Kim...

Find the resources that are right for you.

Online Courses

My online courses guide you through a transformation using the science of Positive Psychology.
The self-study aspect gives you the space to go through the weekly interactive lessons in your own time with downloadable workbooks and our private Facebook group for extra support.

Take a course
1-on-1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching will be best suited for those who are ready to go all in on their personal development and want to up level + transform their lives. Using the science of Positive Psychology combined with over 7 years experience in various businesses, I will help you find your Soul's Purpose.

Schedule a 1:1 call
DIY guides

My DIY guides will help you use to tools of Positive Psychology and over time the processes will become second nature. The actionable skills you will learn are easy to use and will improve your daily life. We encourage you to share these tools with friends + family to create a positive ripple effect.

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