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1:1 Coaching Programmes

Online Courses

Why choose 1:1 Coaching?

The personalised and high level of support with 1:1 Coaching is best suited for those who are ready to go ALL IN on their personal development + want to create a ripple effect positivity.

During our time together we will work through: what blocks may have been holding you back, creating deep inner love, trusting your intuition + how to start manifesting a life you design, in quantum leaps.


Why an Online Course?

An online course is perfect for you if you are ready to do the work in your own time + just want the steps needed to take aligned action towards a life of your wildest dreams.

I will guide you through my Signature Manifestation System: MAGIC. You will have access to a private Facebook group - The High Vibe Tribe + downloadable workbooks and additional audio/visuals for extra support.


Other Products + FREE Guides

FREE Millionaire's Morning Ritual Guide

Enter your name and email in the box below to receive a proven 7 step by step guide to creating your own Millionaire Morning Ritual. 

This is a self care practise that helps you to show up in your day more positively + helps your brain to increase your daily intake of information so that you can reach your goals more quickly.

FREE Wheel of Life Self Assessment

Enter your name and email in the box below to receive your FREE assessment to get a snapshot of how satisfied you are with your life.

You will then be guided through making a plan to address what areas of your life need the most love, create goals that align "future you" to manifest greater Health, Wealth + Happiness.